The Bollywood movie, ‘Mera Rakshak’ was directed by R. Thyagaraajan and it was released under the banner of Devar Films. Release date of the movie was 18th February, 1978 and the category of the movie falls under the genre of action and crime drama. Mithun Chakraborty, Rameshwari and Rakesh Pandey are in lead roles whereas Abhi Bhattacharya, Shreeram Lagoo, Gemini Balu, Raja Duggal, Ram Govind, Jayamalini, Gayatri, Devan played supporting roles. Producer and writer of the movie was Sandow M.M.A. Chinnappa Devar and Ram Govind provided the dialogues of the movie. Famous Ravindra Jain gave hit music of the movie and veteran singers like Lata Mangeshkar, Asha Bhosle and K.J. Yesudas rendered their voice. Hit songs of the movie are listed below:
1. Behti Hui Dhaara
2. Sabko Chutti Mili
3. Tere Honton Ke
Mithun Chakraborty has played another action oriented role in this movie for which he is famous for. An old guy named Avinash Rai (Shreeram Lagoo) who lives a wealthy lifestyle alongwith his son named Vijay (Mithun Chakraborty) and a daughter named Radha (Gayatri). Avinash is a widower but still he is arrogant and does not understand anyone before himself. Whereas Vijay is just opposite from his father as he is helpful. On the other side, a young woman named Bijli (Rameshwari) works on a farm owned by Avinash. She is orphan and only has a friend in the form of a goat named Ramu. Mangal (Rakesh Pandey) is a person who has always his eyes on Bijli. Whenever he tries to get closer to Bijli, Ramu always comes in the middle and saves Bijli.
Later one day Vijay comes to the farm and there he comes across Bijli. Both of them fall in love and decide to marry each other. When Vijay asks his father about Bijli and wants his consent for their marriage, Avinash becomes angry and asks Vijay to leave. Therefore Vijay and Bijli alongwith Ramu re-locate to a distant farmhouse and start their new and happy lifestyle. Later Avinash arranges Radha’s marriage but does not invite Vijay and Bijli in the wedding. But still they arrive in the wedding and then they witness something which changes their life forever.
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